HCA Blog

6 ways to help a loved one with Alzheimer’s

Written by HCA Team | Apr 12, 2023 3:22:20 PM


There are more than 7 million Americans currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and about 11 million caregivers that provide care to those we love. It’s a challenging diagnosis to accept and there are many ways, big and small, that can help make this transition easier.

#1 Learn more about Dementia

One of the best things you can do to help your loved one is educate yourself about the disease. Fortunately there are ample resources online and in the community to lean on like the Alzheimer's Association.


#2 Ask questions

Don’t forget that the person living with dementia can also be a great resource in navigating the disease. Ask them how they are doing. Ask what activities they are still comfortable doing and what they may need help with. Ask them if they are up for an activity. 


#3 Be patient

Patience for yourself, your loved one and your family. Everyone accepts and grieves differently, being gentle with yourself and everyone around you.

#4 Spend quality time with your loved one

This will mean a lot to your loved one and yourself, sometimes it can get hard to spend quality time when memory diminishes greatly. 

#5 Get support

There are support groups that can help you feel less alone and find community with people who are also grieving their loved one’s Alzheimer's diagnosis. 

#6 Take a break

It takes a village to care for someone with dementia. Everyone needs a break from caring from time to time. If you are supporting a family, help out with a meal or with some household chores. If you’re the main caregiver don’t be afraid to ask for help. Besides family, friends and neighbors, you can also get support from professional caregivers. 

At Home Care Associates we offer quality home care services that can help you share the load of responsibilities and make the most of your time with your loved one. We have caring and invested caregivers that are also owners of our business; we make sure to provide the care we would like our loved one’s to receive. Reach out if you want to learn more about home care services. 

Dementia is difficult to live with–for the diagnosed person and the people in their lives. Conditions will change, and new routines, boundaries and supports will need to be put in place as the disease progresses. Be kind to yourself and remember to reach out for information and support.